Oil & Marine
CALM/SPM Floating Hoses
In CALM/ SPM cargo transfer systems the buoy is connected to the tanker by floating hose strings. Marine breakaway couplings enable for emergency pipeline disconnection to prevent hose breakage and associated oil spills.
- Single and double carcass hoses with metallic or textile reinforcement.
- Hose ID: from 6” to 24”
- Rated working pressure: 15, 19, and 21 bar
CALM/SPM Subsea Hoses
In CALM/ SPM cargo transfer systems the buoy is connected to the PLEM (Pipeline End Manifold) by flexible subsea hoses. The configurations can take the form of a Chinese lantern, Lazy-S, Lazy Wave, or Steep-S depending on depth, sea state, buoy motions, and other factors. Marine breakaway couplings enable for emergency pipeline disconnection to prevent hose breakage and associated oil spills.
- Single and double carcass hoses with metallic or textile reinforcement.
- Hose ID: from 6” to 24”
- Rated working pressure: 15, 19, and 21 bar.
FPSO Floating Hose Tandem Loading
Tandem mooring system are commonly used for transporting oil from storage vessels like FSO’s, FSU’s and FPSO’s to various types of shuttle tankers. The specific type of loading system will dictate what type of offloading hoses can be used, which could be either floating, submarine, or catenary types.
- Single and double carcass hoses with metallic or textile reinforcement
- Hose ID: from 6” to 24”
- Rated working pressure: 15, 19, and 21 bar
CBM/MBM Submarine Hoses
A Conventional Buoy Mooring system (CBM or MBM) is used in relatively shallow water close to shore. The cargo loading/offloading submarine hose string are connected to the subsea pipelines PLEM and left resting on the seabed between operations.
- Single and double carcass hose with metallic or textile reinforcement
- Hose ID: from 6” to 24”
- Rated working pressure: 15, 19, and 21 bar
Reel System
Deploying a rotational reeling drum on an FPSO is a method to facilitate marine hoses storage. The reel system can accommodate multiple layers of tubes with different specifications, such as single or double carcass, both floating and subsea. To ensure proper storage of the hoses on the system, it is essential for the hose manufacturer and the reel manufacturer to collaborate, taking into account the characteristics of the hoses.
- Single and double carcass hose with metallic or textile reinforcement
- Hose ID: from 6” to 24”
- Rated working pressure: 15, 19, and 21 bar
Ship to Ship
A Ship To Ship (STS) transfer is a transfer between to two vessels moored alongside each other, which is typically carried out with both vessels stationary.
- Single carcass hose with metallic or textile reinforcement
- Hose ID: from 6” to 24”
- Rated working pressure: 15, 19, and 21 bar